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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Lyndhurst Art & Culture Tour

Carrefour créatif

Photographie Arts visuels Interdisciplinaire Peinture Conception Agriculture Arts de la fibre et du textile Artisanat Arts numérique at nouveau média Poterie et éramique Histoire et patrimoine Musique Spectacle Les chant Dessin Mode et costumes Culinaire Nature et plein air Contes La visite Sculpture et Installation Activité physique et mouvement Architecture Jeunes et ados
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Lyndhurst & Area

Lyndhurst, ON

The self guided tour invites visitors to come spend the day in Lyndhurst & Area enjoying local artistic talent and hospitality. At locations in and around the historic village of Lyndhurst participants will be able to visit various fine art and traditional craft demonstrations, investigate historic and cultural exhibits, enjoy live music, grab a local food treat and explore the many other unique features of the area. The goal of the tour is to engage people in our amazing and varied local arts, culture and history. Visitors will be encouraged to spend time with makers, artists and historians learning about process and inspiration.



Lyndhurst Rejuvenation Committee

Événements à cet carrefour créatif