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You are viewing an archived hub from a previous year.

Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

That's So Guelph!

Event Hub

Museum Music Performance Architecture History & heritage Photography Tour Indigenous Painting Visual arts Digital & new media Film & video Dance Intercultural Physical activity & movement Interdisciplinary Nature & outdoors Sculpture & installation Self-guided Kids Library Science & technology Storytelling Agriculture Culinary & food Poetry & spoken word Truth and Reconciliation Fibre & textile arts Deaf & Disability arts Craft Singing Writing & literature Theatre Drawing
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1 Carden Street

Guelph, ON

Where art meets heritage meets a passion for the natural environment, That's So Guelph! Our creative community embodies values that define Guelph - curiosity, compassion, innovation, collaboration, diversity, environmentalism, and activism. Their work entertains and challenges, beautifies and reveals, charms and inspires, remembers and aspires - and will be on full display daily during Culture Days, all around Guelph, in heritage buildings and contemporary concert halls, in galleries and online, in parks, on trails, and by the river. Come discover what makes us uniquely "so Guelph."

That's So Guelph! is a part of the Ontario Culture Days Regional Hub Program.



City of Guelph

Events at this hub