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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

  • Our opening night Speakeasy Cabaret features music from the amazing Missy D.
  • Comedian Andrea Jin is back for the 3rd year of ARTIVISIM. Catch her stand up act, created just for SEX + The Unheard at our opening night Speakeasy Cabaret!
  • Shane Sable, of Virago Nation Burlesque, graces the digital stage for our SpeakEASY Cabaret on opening night 4pm Sept. 25!


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Arts d’invalidité Interdisciplinaire Conception Peinture Jeunes et ados Danse Mode et costumes Autochtone Spectacle Culinaire Comédie Musique Poésie et parole Histoire et patrimoine Interculturel Écriture et littérature Contes
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The University of British Columbia

Coast Salish Peoples Territory/Vancouver, BC

UBC Arts and Culture District and Dive into UBC are proud to present the 2020 rendition of our festival ARTIVISM. ARTIVISM: SEX + The Unheard is a two-month-long digital festival that engages with the art of creative resistance and the politics of the body. We will be highlighting minority voices and their experiences with sex, gender, sexuality, and ownership of their body. LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, visibly religious, and artists with disabilities will join their voices to shed light to their perspective and how they use their art and their platforms to regain control over sex, sexuality and their own bodies.

The festival will engage with the theme through several types of programming, from workshops on Race and Kink and Consent Culture, Spoken Word performances, Dance and Live Music, to Stand Up, Sex Activism trivia nights and an Aphrodisiac Cuisine cooking show!



UBC Arts and Culture District

Événements à cet carrefour créatif