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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

The Woolwich Hub

Carrefour créatif

Activité physique et mouvement Jeunes et ados Arts de la fibre et du textile Enfants Spectacle Contes Danse Musique Les chant Artisanat Dessin Peinture Arts visuels Culinaire La visite Auto-guidée Histoire et patrimoine Nature et plein air
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Township of Woolwich, ON

Experience the history, local products and art in the Township of Woolwich during Culture Days this year. The Woolwich Hub is offering weekend events that include participating in a drum circle, taking a distillery tour and learning the history and culture of St. Jacobs on a walking tour. Visitors will also enjoy self-guided mural tours in both Elmira and St. Jacobs.

During the month of Culture Days the Township is also hosting Taste the Countryside from September 23 to October 3, where visitors are able to engage with local food establishments as they sample local flavours in pre-set menus.

The Kissing Bridge Trail Studio Tour ends Culture Days on October 23 & 24, where 15 local artists open their studios and galleries to visitors.

There is so much art, culture and food to appreciate in Woolwich this Fall!



Township of Woolwich

Événements à cet carrefour créatif