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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Woolwich Art Tour

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Activité physique et mouvement Auto-guidée La visite Arts visuels
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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Township of Woolwich

Township of Woolwich, ON

Directions: The Woolwich Art Tour begins in Downtown Elmira at the Township Office located at 24 Church Street West.



Offered in English.

À propos

The Woolwich Art Tour is a self-guided tour which encompasses all of the art work in Elmira, St. Jacobs and the Kissing Bridge Studio Tour. During this tour you will experience local art and become more familiar with the local businesses in the township. All of the art work in the township portrays the culture and history of the local community, and will help you get familiar with the area and our local businesses.

Visitors will be able to download an online guide to help guide them through the Woolwich Art Tour.

Please ensure to follow all public health COVID-19 protocols while taking part in the tour.



Township of Woolwich

The Township of Woolwich is a rural municipality in the Region of Waterloo. It has a rich cultural history and local talent which has been captured by the Woolwich Art Tour. This is the first time the township has put this together, and we are hoping to continue the art tour in the future.

We would like to highlight our local talent and assets which includes displaying the artwork created by our local artists around the community, and providing locals and visitors with the opportunity to go out and admire the work.


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

The Woolwich Hub

Township of Woolwich Township of Woolwich, ON

Experience the history, local products and art in the Township of Woolwich during Culture Days this year. The Woolwich Hub is offering weekend events that include participating in a drum circle, taking a distillery tour and learning the hi...