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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Creative Wellness Challenge

Carrefour créatif

Spectacle Poésie et parole Enfants Peinture Arts visuels Bibliothèque Écriture et littérature
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New Westminster, BC

There's a growing body of research proving that arts and creativity are good for us. But just like we don't all have the time (or inclination) to start running marathons, we can't all become guitar masters or prima ballerinas. So just like the 30 minute jog or bike ride we can take, we can all find Creative Wellness in our lives in smaller ways.

The Creative Wellness Challenge encourages you to commit to 15 minutes of creative activity a day for 10 days (Oct 1-10), and hopefully beyond. Throughout the Culture Days weekend, you can attend free drop-in sessions with a variety of artists and learn fun, free, easy creative activities to keep you Creatively Active!


Julian Legere

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