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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Creative Wellness - Speak the Speech

Spectacle Poésie et parole
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Date and time


Massey Theatre

New Westminster, BC



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

There's a growing body of research proving that arts and creativity are good for us. But just like we don't all have the time (or inclination) to start running marathons, we can't all become guitar masters or prima ballerinas. So just like the 30 minute jog or bike ride we can take, we can all find Creative Wellness in our lives in smaller ways.

The Creative Wellness Challenge encourages you to commit to 15 minutes of creative activity a day for 10 days (Oct 1-10), and hopefully beyond. Throughout the Culture Days weekend, you can attend free drop-in sessions with a variety of artists and learn fun, free, easy creative activities to keep you Creatively Active!

The Massey Theatre: Speak the Speech by Julian Legere

"We all sing great songs for fun. Why shouldn't we be able to speak great speeches? This fun workshop will give you the tools to speak your favourite monologues from movies, TV, and theatre, or even great speeches from history with power and emotion. Not to perform, but just for the joy and empowerment of good words, spoken well. Feel free to bring a speech you've always loved and learn the best way to fully activate its awesome! There will also be plenty of speeches available to choose from. No performing will be required at this workshop, but it certainly will be allowed."


Julian Legere

Born and raised on unceded Coast Salish/Qaqayt territory, Julian is a bi/queer artist, producer, administrator, educator, and activist, and a 2019 Culture Days Ambassador. Currently, he works at the Massey Theatre as a community arts programmer. He is also a freelance and independent producer, actor, director, stage manager, and writer with a focus on community-engaged art and art for social change/decolonization. Current projects in a verbatim dance theatre work about women’s reproductive health care, a Web Play centred on the mother of a fictional mass shooter, and a site-specific feminist reimagining of Macbeth and the Henry VI trilogy focussed on the Weird Sisters. He spends his spare time doing Tarot readings, cooking, finding humour in the existential dread that is our new collective reality, and binging TV and podcasts.


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

Creative Wellness Challenge

Julian Legere New Westminster, BC

There's a growing body of research proving that arts and creativity are good for us. But just like we don't all have the time (or inclination) to start running marathons, we can't all become guitar masters or prima ballerinas. So just like...