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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Minoru Manifesto: Performance & Picnic

Interculturel Interdisciplinaire Spectacle Poésie et parole Théâtre
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Date and time


Minoru Chapel

Richmond, BC

Directions: Performance will take place in and around the Chapel. Potluck picnic will take place outside the Chapel.



Offered in English et Mandarin.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

Witness, and maybe even participate, in a community-created performance built from what we carry and what we claim. Using multiple languages and weaving song, story, and movement throughout the historic Minoru Chapel, Minoru Manifesto draws on the histories, backgrounds, and beliefs held by individuals throughout our community.

Food is one of the most potent ways of carrying and sharing culture, and we invite you to bring a blanket, snacks, and friends to enjoy a post-performance picnic in the Chapel garden.

Performance begins at 2:00 pm and runs approximately 45 minutes with picnic to follow. Please note: due to the historic nature of the Minoru Chapel, food and beverages are not allowed inside.


Julie Hammond

Julie Hammond is a theatre maker, instigator of public projects, and the 2019 Artist in Residence at Minoru Chapel and City Centre Community Centre where she is creating Minoru Manifesto. She creates in collaboration with peers, students, non-artists, and spaces, and uses her background as a theatre artist to make projects that do not always look like theatre.

Learn more:


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

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Katie Varney Richmond, BC

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