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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Creativity and Practicality of Sewing Arts


Craft Fibre & textile arts Fashion & costumes
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Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (Fibre Arts Studio)

2302 Bridge Road

Town of Oakville, ON



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms.


Sewing is the activity of making or mending with a cloth using a needle and thread. It is also one of the oldest of the textile arts and has experienced a resurgence during COVID restrictions. From a craft of necessity, sewing has evolved to encompass creativity through dyeing, stitching, and embellishment.

Meet the member makers of the Oakville Sewers Forum as they practice their craft. Some of the planned activities include:

Dyeing with Indigo: This ancient craft involves the manipulation of cloth which is then placed in a dye bath to create decorative designs. The resulting material is later sewn into garments or decorative items.

Creative Running Stitch: Sometimes referred to as Sashiko, this is the art of decorative mending using a simple running stitch, usually on indigo-dyed fabric. It can be used to create visible mending on denim which has become very popular.

Repair and Alteration: Simple techniques to increase the life of a garment rather than replacing it. Includes the basics of sewing on a button, hemming a pair of pants or fixing a ripped seam.

Upcycling and Repurposing: Taking unwanted or thrifted items and making them into something different and wonderful. A hand-embroidered tablecloth becomes a chic top. Worn denim is made into a smart jacket. So many possibilities!

Some activities will be hands-on. Other will be demonstrated. Sign-in is requested with a limit of 15 people in the room at one time. Activities are geared to ages 16 plus. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Oakville Sewers Forum

The Oakville Sewers Forum meets on a monthly basis from September to June, to share information about sewing related events, publications, techniques and products. The focus of the Oakville Sewers Forum is sewing garments, accessories, home décor and embellishment, although other forms of sewing are encouraged and welcomed. The group meets in the Fibre Arts Studio at Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre, 23022 Bridge Road, Oakville, Ontario.

This event is part of a hub:

Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre/Southwest Hub

Town of Oakville Oakville, ON

Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (QEPCCC) is a unique and dynamic public space created to fulfill the recreation, arts and cultural needs of the community. This one-of-a-kind, multi-use facility features more than 144,000...