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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Scugog Arts Space Hub

Carrefour créatif

Artisanat Conception Gravure Arts visuels Jeunes et ados Histoire et patrimoine Musée Activité physique et mouvement Contes La visite Arts de la fibre et du textile Autochtone Peinture Sculpture et Installation Arts numérique at nouveau média Musique
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Scugog Arts Space

175B Queen Street

Port Perry, ON

Scugog Arts is our community’s creative hub: awakening, inspiring and connecting you to all the arts. We are an arts space on Queen Street in Port Perry with Resident Artists, Biidaaban Gallery, monthly exhibitions, workshops for artists and our visitors, and meet-up space. Scugog Arts organizes and holds multi-arts cultural events, literary programs, festivals and tours.

Let our space inspire you with our monthly exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography, installations and more. Shop for unique original hand-made pottery, fibre, original prints, mixed-media, jewellery, stone and paintings, and authentic indigenous art from Biidaaban Gallery. We are open Tuesday – Sunday, 11-5 and until 8 on Fridays.

We connect our community with public art displays such as our Art You Can Sit On chairs, creating a memorial to Bill Lishman and ceiling tiles for our hospital, and with live theatre and music in our back lot. Our Literary Contest, Ekphrastic Writing, opens on-line in January with the announcement of the visual art pieces chosen from our Annual Juried Show from the prior August, then we hold a reading and awards night, workshops, SLAM events and 10-word story contests throughout the year.

This Hub is a part of the Ontario Culture Days Regional Hub Program.



Scugog Arts

Événements à cet carrefour créatif