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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Culture Days at Vancouver Co-op Radio

Carrefour créatif

Arts numérique at nouveau média Contes La visite Jeunes et ados Film et vidéo Danse Musique Spectacle Science et technologie
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370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 4J1

Vancouver, BC

Vancouver Co-op Radio is excited to host three great events for Culture Days. Join us and learn how to use a synthesizer, become a podcaster, or join us for a screening of the V6A documentary and learn more about Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.

Vancouver Co-operative Radio, CFRO, 100.5FM is an innovative non-profit community radio station & podcast recording studio providing a voice for those underrepresented in mainstream media. Each week, Co-op Radio provides access to community space, training and equipment for 300+ volunteers who produce 140 hours of original programming, in over 10 languages. We are a mosaic of 90 unique Radio Show collectives, supported in partnership by some of the most respected non-profit organizations in the province. Our beautiful Radio Station is a jewel in the heart of the city, and since 1975 we have celebrated the GVRD’s rich cultural diversity through our arts, music, and spoken word programming.



Vancouver Co-op Radio

Événements à cet carrefour créatif