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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Town of Huntsville Culture Days Hub

Carrefour créatif

Nature et plein air Peinture Auto-guidée Théâtre Arts visuels Arts numérique at nouveau média Photographie Artisanat Histoire et patrimoine Musique Spectacle Activité physique et mouvement Conception Dessin Sculpture et Installation Autochtone
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Algonquin Theatre

37 Main Street East

Huntsville, ON

The Town of Huntsville has so much to offer for various art forms in Muskoka.

Visual arts

Free art displays at the Canada Summit Centre and Partners Hall. They change often so be sure to visit again and again

Free Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven outdoor mural tour. Accessible and open 24/7

Our town is full of artist studios and shops



Town of Huntsville

Événements à cet carrefour créatif