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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

The Burlington Performing Arts Centre

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The Burlington Performing Arts Centre

440 Locust Street, Burlington ON L7S 1T7

Burlington, ON

This year’s theme for Culture Days is: Unexpected Intersections. Normally, you might send friends and loved ones a postcard while you’re travelling or when you’re far from home. But now, under these strange new circumstances, why not write a postcard from home?

Do you have memories and moments from a special place, or from previous Culture Days weekends? What are some of the unexpected intersections you have faced, or are currently facing?

Share your postcard here, and remember… keep it to less than 100 words. We may even pick a story or two to be displayed in one of our outdoor poster boxes for the community to see.

Also, let's go behind-the-scenes while the BPAC facility is closed to the public.



The Burlington Performing Arts Centre

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