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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Deep Roots Music Festival

Carrefour créatif

Musique Mode et costumes Spectacle Jeunes et ados Les chant
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Main St.

466 A Main St. (Deep Roots Office)

Wolfville, NS

"The role that music plays in mental health and well-being" is the theme of this year's Deep Roots Music Festival which takes place annually during the last full weekend of September. The Festival features ticketed and free events including open-air concerts, soft seat main-stage shows, songwriters' circles, and intimate performances. It also includes participatory workshops in drumming, dancing, and singing, workshops involving art and craft, music programs for children, and a colorful rhythm parade down Main Street with giant puppets. This year, as part of our mental health theme, we are offering a wonderful Thursday night opening event with Catherine MacLellan presenting her movie, "The Song and the Sorrow." As well, Elsie Morden will be taking her "Music and Well-Being" tour to five local area schools.



Deep Roots Music Cooperative

Événements à cet carrefour créatif