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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

WordFlow: A Crash Course in Freestyle Rap

Poésie et parole Les chant Contes Écriture et littérature Jeunes et ados
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Date and time



Rotary Center for the Arts

Kelowna, BC

Directions: In the Boardroom.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

Wordflow is a crash course in the art of freestyle rap.

Cultivate confidence, creativity and community through verbal flow states.

Using a variety of games and exercises you’ll be taken from regular speaking to improvisational lyricism.

If you can speak you can rap, no previous experience or street cred required.

1-2pm 14ish-18ish

2-3pm 19+



Liam Danger Park

Liam believes the world would be a better place if we could all be a little more playful, courageous and articulate.

Initially disinterested in rap, and butt-clenchingly scared to try it, Liam fell to peer pressure and was forever transformed. Mesmerized by the subconscious landscapes that exposed themselves through the ephemeral craft, he was transformed.

Liam has taught casual workshops in freestyle rap on and off for the last 5 years.
