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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Cloverdale Murals - SUNSHINE CIRCLE

En personne

Enfants Peinture Jeunes et ados
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Date and time

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Downtown Cloverdale Alley

5678 176th Street

Surrey, BC

Directions: Come find us in the back alley behind Mates Uniforms at 56th Avenue + 176th Street. If you are standing at NANA's ANTIQUES you will see us. There is lots of street parking and a parking lot with a charging station one block from the mural location!.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

Come be part of painting a community mural in the historic downtown Cloverdale on Saturday October 2nd.

Please register for one time slot per Family/Group (up to 3 people) as there is limited space to allow for proper distancing between groups.


- Covid Screening + Contact Tracing of all Participants

- One Family/Group per marked painting zone

- Masks recommended when painting

- Hand sanitize before using painting tools

THANKS to our community sponsors Cloverdale Paint + Revive Washing + Studiothink + City of Surrey for helping fund our first community mural.




A group of volunteers started this community initiative in 2019 to engage and inspire the exploration of art + culture in Cloverdale, BC. We are here to advocate for the arts, engage the community and inspire future artists!

We look forward to inviting community members to participate in painting a special cultural mural each year during BC Culture Days.
