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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

The Welcome Project: Sharing Stories


Danse Autochtone Musique Spectacle Activité physique et mouvement
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Date and time


Toronto, ON

Directions: Video available on October 1.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

À propos

The Welcome Project: Sharing Stories, brings together individuals from diverse populations, who will be guided into and through an empowering creative process through movement -- awakening bodies, hearts, voices, imaginations, and perceptions -- to co-create deeply personal stories while promoting mental health and wellbeing, social inclusion and positive inter-group communication. The Sharing Stories edition of The Welcome Project takes place in a virtual setting to inspire individuals from already isolated populations to meet, connect, and experience inclusivity, creativity and self-expression during a time when other arts based activities have been suspended and physical distance must be upheld.

The Sharing Stories video collection is a glimpse into each individual’s practice within the experienced-based movement and memory process that connects to the theme of “home”.



Dreamwalker Dance Company

Incorporated in 2005 Dreamwalker Dance Company is a charitable non-profit organization that facilitates the creation, production, and sharing of art that explores and interprets the human experience so that artists and audiences alike can connect, awaken and be empowered. Our projects and activities strengthen connections between culturally diverse and multigenerational artists and audiences, with artistic excellence at the core of our practices, activities, and repertoire. Dreamwalker Dance Company fosters and celebrates inclusivity and is a bridge between how we live and how we feel.

Dreamwalker’s vision can be summed up in three words: engage, exchange, experience.

Our collaborative work opens doors within ourselves and between each other. Our repertoire raises issues of humanity and the choices that people make. We are dedicated to offering diverse individuals a safe place to explore, discover, and be challenged by actively seeking opportunities to convene, communicate and to co-create experiences with and beyond words, through the languages of our whole bodies. By moving together we explore what it is to be human.
