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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Belonging: London Symphonia - Music and poetry with Najwa Zebian


Interculturel Musique Spectacle Poésie et parole
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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


London, ON

Directions: Watch this video of one of London Symphoonia's concerts from the comfort of your home.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

À propos

Celebrated Lebanese-Canadian poet, Najwa Zebian joined songstress Maryem Tollar and London Symphonia to explore the search for home. For this special concert, East met West with classical favourites like Dvorak’s Going Home, traditional Arabic music, and Tollar’s evocative compositions. Zebian’s poetry formed the basis for an unforgettable journey of longing and discovery.



London Symphonia

London Symphonia is a professional orchestra that promotes excellence in classical and contemporary musical performance and education through the presentation of an annual series of innovative and engaging concerts in and for the London, Ontario community and beyond.

With some of Canada's most gifted musicians, our versatile group meets the community’s needs for quality programming by presenting well-known symphonies, Canadian premières of new compositions, and collaborations with some of Canada’s finest singer-songwriters.

Positioned as a community-centered organization, our vision of the future is one in which London Symphonia is a successful, flourishing organization that has the following elements:

Commitment to Artistic Excellence; Commitment to Deepening Music Education;

Fostering Musician, Staff, Volunteer and Board Respect