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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.



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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Virtual celebrations at Brampton Library!

Brampton, ON

Directions: Brampton Library has eight locations. Due to COVID 19 health restrictions, we are unable to host the activities at our branches. However, we invite you to join us at our virtual platform to enjoy Culture Days online presentations from our talented community.



Offered in English.

Virtual Activity

À propos

Hey new and aspiring Canadian immigrants, I am Mario Menezes, Author of Conversation with an Immigrant. Welcome to Canada.

There are two fears we all have to deal with: the fear of loss and the fear of failing.

Before immigrating to Canada, I had my own baggage of fears and self-doubts about my abilities to settle here.

If you are like me, you may relate to this. I asked myself questions such as.

Is moving to Canada the right decision? What if I don’t make it? Would I be able to go back and do well?

Will I get a job in my field of interest, without Canadian work experience?

Will my language skills meet the work requirements?

Will I earn enough to provide my family a lifestyle that is equal or better than what I have?

Will I be able to integrate into the Canadian workplace well?

Why do I need to go back to study after providing all my education and professional credentials?

I had all these questions and was looking for answers. Most of us new immigrants go through similar questions, challenges and doubts when we come to Canada.

Learning from mentors, I used a timeless practice to get a breakthrough that landed me my first job in a field that I was passionate about. You will relate to this feeling if you have had an already had a breakthrough. I was now earning $19 an hour. Almost twice as much where I started. Following the principles shared in “Conversations in an immigrant” I grew my skills, and abilities and now make over $50/ hr.

I not only grew myself but invested my time and efforts in creating a WhatsApp and Linkedin community for fellow professionals to help them learn the ropes and create job opportunities for ambitious professionals.

Walk-in and borrow the book for free from Brampton Public Library or invest in yourself by purchasing your personal copy of the book in Paperback or eBook from

If you like what you learned from the book or know new immigrants who could benefit from this book, please spread the word. Follow my Instagram handle Readit.books for inspiration.

Signing-off, your fellow immigrant Mario Menezes



Mariorafols (Mario) Menezes

I am the author of Conversations with an Immigrant and owner of Readit Books. I migrated to Canada in 2015. Having experienced and overcome the typical immigrant challenges faced by new immigrants, I wrote 'Conversations with an immigrant as a story to inspire and guide ambitious immigrants.

Over a span of 5 years, I went from making a minimum wage at an unfulfilling job to creating a successful career in a profession that I am passionate about. I am making a difference by easing the unpleasant experiences of newcomers in Canada by creating a community in Whatsapp and Linkedin groups that support immigrants find meaningful employment. I mentor newcomers and Canadians to professionally excel in Health and Safety.


Mariorafols Menezes

Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:


Brampton Library Brampton, ON

Brampton Library is thrilled to host its Culture Days Hub again in 2021. As longtime supporters of this wonderful initiative, we believe strongly in our role in building the creative economy, locally, provincially, and nationally. Our eig...