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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Moellman Family in Concert - Music for Violin and Piano

Enfants Musique Spectacle Jeunes et ados
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Date and time


St. Paul's Anglican Church

Kingston, ON

Directions: Parking is available in the church lot; enter off Queen Street. Wheelchair accessible from the Montreal Street entrance.



Offered in English et French.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

Whatever your age or interests, you'll be moved by the musical offerings of the Moellman family performing works by Bach, Bartok, Beethoven, Clementi, Debussy and Kreisler. Come experience the rich sonorities of violin and piano as they permeate St. Paul's resonant, historic nave.



The Moellman Family

The Moellman family returns to St. Paul's for their third year performing for Culture Days! Jeffrey Moellman is Director of Music at St. Mary's Cathedral in Kingston. His children: Jonathan (14), Clara (13), Paul (11), Gabriel (9) and Catherine (5) enjoy sharing their musical gifts with the wider community. The younger Moellmans have performed in numerous music festivals and concert series, winning numerous accolades and inspiring audiences and adjudicators alike.


Kris Michaelson