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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

War of 1812 Re-enactment

Histoire et patrimoine Musée Spectacle Théâtre La visite
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Date and time


Lynde House Museum

Whitby, ON



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

General Brock & his regiment are coming to Lynde House Museum!

Whitby's first settlers, the Lynde family, played host to the famous military leader and his men many times during the War of 1812. Join us at the Museum to re-live their visits!

For 3 days, the 49th Regiment of Foot Re-enactors will be camping out on the Lynde House grounds, living as they would have in the early 19th century. You'll be able to see their tents, learn how to cook delicious meals over an open fire, watch them fire their muskets and more! Plus enjoy a house tours lead by costumed guides and learn more of the Lynde family's history.



Whitby Historical Society

The Whitby Historical Society is an organization dedicated to providing programs, opportunities and enactments that support the concept of a living museum. We promote public interest in the concept of maintaining a living museum as a cultural anchor in the community, and are committed to the preservation of history and heritage by sustaining a display of artifacts from our First Settlers and Indigenous people. The Lynde House Museum acts as an archive of the written, pictorial and physical records of the history of Whitby.
