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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

XIANG OF CHINA(中国香)of thousands of years - Aromatic, calm and graceful

En personne

Artisanat Histoire et patrimoine
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Date and time


JJW Aromas Studio

Citadel Crescent

Richmond, BC

Directions: lease write an email to make the appoitment: [email protected]; or make a call at 7788637930.



Offered in English et Chinese.

À propos

XIANG OF CHINA will give the public exceptional experieces of being soaked in the amazing aromas of various forms of Chinese incenses made of plants, flowers, resins from nature. Incenses burners, traditional or mordern, will be presented in their glamorious shapes and forms. More significantly, the public will have a chance to try and make their own incense products including an image of Chinese ancient characters in early oracle bones. In addition, the public will see the ceremonial performance of making incenses without smoke, which was extremely popular among scholars, fair ladies, officials, and royal families in Song Dynesty. With the revival of XIANG OF CHINA, expecially among young peoples, its beauty will remerge to be seen, unprecendentedly.



JJW Aromas

JJW Aromas is a start up, created by Mr. and Ms. JJW (Danju in pinyin), for spreading the enriched cultures of XIANG Of CHINA (Chinese Aromas) which can trace back to the Spring and Autumn War Period (BC770-BC221) and it developed, florished for about another 1900 years. After a short suspension, XIANG OF CHINA is reviving. JJW Aromas will present its beauty in inresistably amazing frangrances, making skills, and ceremonies. Various XIANG products will be taught, shared, and presented in workshops, art festivals, and fairs in the coming months.

Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

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