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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Painting Wooden Peg Doll People using Acrylic Paint with Cori Jaye!


Artisanat Peinture Arts visuels Jeunes et ados Enfants
Email Enregistrer le code QR

Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Winnipeg, MB


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

Offre un sous-titrage.

À propos

In this class, I teach you different techniques on how to paint a peg doll person! Here are some things you can expect to learn in the class:

- how to paint different skin tones using primary acrylic paint colours

- painting the head, body and outfit of the peg doll

- adding hair and facial features

- how to add accessories like glasses :)

...and more!

Find the full supply list for this class in the Youtube video description box.

A couple of places to find wooden peg doll blanks (Canadian):



Thanks for being here!



Cori Jaye Ettienne

Cori Jaye Ettienne is a visual artist, teacher, mentor and mental health advocate from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Her artistic practice consists of vibrant surrealist, pop-art paintings that she utilizes to spread positive messages to the community. Cori Jaye has been featured on CBC and CJOB Radio, Global Television and many podcasts speaking about her career as an artist and the importance of following your dreams. She leverages her background in Marketing, Graphic Design and Digital Media to promote the power of positivity, using social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube as catalysts. In addition, Cori Jaye conducts social media literacy workshops, as well as private mentoring sessions, to help share knowledge about how to navigate the ever-growing online sector. Currently, she is creating online classes for the Winnipeg Art Gallery, combining her love of painting and teaching, while staying connected to the community during these unprecedented times.