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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Animation Station

Arts numérique at nouveau média Dessin Film et vidéo Peinture Arts visuels
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Date and time


Studio 100, Rotary Centre for the Arts

Kelowna, BC

Directions: From the entrance facing Cawston Ave, the location is the New Vintage Theatre studio closest to the entrance! Doors will be open and there are ramps leading to a 2nd entrance for wheelchair and stroller access as well.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

Animation Station is a workshop dedicated to making animation accessible through painting, drawing and digital animation technology! Participants of all ages are welcome to this event that promotes art as an accessible and barrier-free activity, where all participants' works will be included as part of a large animated collage!

After Culture Days, the collage will be displayed via projection to showcase the completed project!



Brock Gratz

Brock Gratz is a professional artist working in Kelowna, BC. Exploring a wide range of different mediums, Brock specializes in multimedia creations that make use of new technologies and time-honoured traditional techniques to make interesting and engaging experiences. Brock is also one of the producers of Kelowna Fan Experience, an ongoing Arts and Media festival organized by New Vintage Theatre.
