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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

How to Publish Indigenous Books

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Maskwacis Cultural College Library

Maskwacis, AB



Offered in English.

À propos

Dianne Meili, Cree Metis, is proud to be the publisher and guiding spirit of Eschia Books. Eschia is an expression meaning “oh, wow!” in the Chipewyan (Dene Suline) language. Her Alberta-based company has established a channel for the voices of First Nations, Metis and Inuit authors and has published books that spark interest in, and retain, Indigenous culture.

Having been on both sides of book production, as both a writer and publisher, Dianne will explain the process of book publishing from manuscript writing and review, establishing contractual agreements, finding appropriate illustrators, and dealing with printing companies in Canada and China. She will also explore the subjects of intellectual property and copyright.


Writers' Guild of Alberta

The Writers' Guild of Alberta (WGA) was formed in 1980 to provide a meeting ground and collective voice for all the writers of the province. The WGA helps give Alberta writers a sense of unity and community, and is the largest provincial writers’ organization in Canada.

Our Vision

An Alberta where past, present, and future contributions of writers are supported, acknowledged, and valued.

Our Mission

The Writers’ Guild of Alberta’s mission is to inspire, connect, support, encourage and promote writers and writing, to safeguard the freedom to write and to read, and to advocate for the well-being of writers.



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