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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Peruvian Folklore Dance

Danse Mode et costumes Interculturel Musique Spectacle
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Date and time


Rotary Centre of the Arts

kelowna, BC


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English et Spanish.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

Peruvian Folklore Dance Group at Kelowna Culture Days. This event features two types of cultural dances and will showcase colourful traditional Peruvian dresses.

Huayno: This is a traditional Andean dance that is popular in the Peruvian highlands and Andes. Participants wear traditional Andean clothing, with bright and vibrant colors and it is performed making turns and movements featuring hops and foot-stamps to the rhythm.

Festejo: It is a festive form of Afro-Peruvian music. The dance is a staple in the Black coastal populations and it celebrates the emancipation of slaves.

Inspired by african dances, it consists of rhythmic movements that go along with the guitar and the cajón.

This Dance cohort is formed by a group of peruvians who love dancing and are happy, proud and ready to share and promote their Peruvian culture and traditions through their Folkloric Dance.



Peruvian Folklore Dance Group

Peruvian Folklore Dance. We are a non-profit group formed by various Peruvians who want to share and promote their culture through dance.

Their vision is to continue to add new and different types of typical Peruvian Dances in full costume to their routines.

We have presented at The Taste of Home, at The Blossom Time Fair at CottonWoods Senior Centre, at The Canada Day Festival, at The Carnaval del Sol Latin Festival and at a few private events.


Roxana Horna


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

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Rotary Centre for the Arts Kelowna, BC

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