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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

BCER Upper Sumas Train Station Grand Opening

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Date and time


Trethewey House Heritage Site

2313 Ware Street

Abbotsford, BC

Directions: Parking is available off of Alta Avenue.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

You are invited to attend the grand re-opening of the BC Electric Upper Sumas Train Station!

The Upper Sumas Train Station is a relatively small wooden train shelter, however it served a very important function in the economic development of the community; Built in 1910, the BC Electric Railway Line ran from New Westminster to Chilliwack and the small station was one of its regular stops for passenger trains and the milk train. This train station now sits at Trethewey House Heritage Site and was restored in 2022. Not only is this building a remnant of Abbotsford's past history, but it is also an environmentally friendly construction. On September 23, we welcome you to come view the final restored artefact and learn about its historical past at our grand re-opening of the station.


Heritage Abbotsford Society

Heritage Abbotsford Society's mission is to collect, record, preserve and share the stories of Abbotsford. The Society a registered charity which depends on government grants, private donations and fund-raising efforts to provide its services to the people of Abbotsford.

Some of our services include providing programming and tours to the public. Through our Heritage Interpretive Program, we provide educational tours of our heritage site, walking tours throughout the community, digital presentations, permanent and temporary historic exhibits including the “The River People and the Land: Living within S’ólh Téméxw” exhibit, and cultural heritage events such as Indigenous Arts and Culture Days.

As a part of sharing Abbotsford’s stories, we assist in the preservation and restoration of numerous built heritage assets, such as the 1930's South Poplar Schoolhouse, and the 1910 BCER Upper Sumas Train Station. We provide programming and events that brings together the diverse community that is Abbotsford.

Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

City of Abbotsford Culture Days

City of Abbotsford City of Abbotsford, BC

Join the City of Abbotsford and local arts, culture and heritage organizations in celebrating Culture Days. These wonderful activities and events align with 'Culture Connect', the City’s first culture strategy, that sets out a commitment...