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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Yorkton Woodlands Wonder Walk

En personne

Artisanat Nature et plein air Activité physique et mouvement Sculpture et Installation Arts visuels
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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Ravine Ecological Preserve and Yorkton Gallagher Centre

455 Broadway Street West

Yorkton, SK

Directions: You can find the entrance and parking to the Raving Ecological Preserve by going west on Broadway past the Gallagher Centre and turning right on Sully Avenue. Entrance by foot is also available on the west side of the Gallagher Centre.



Offered in English.

À propos

As if walking in nature isn't fun enough, how about a walk in the Yorkton Ravine Ecological Preserve Re:Imagining what creatures may be living in little woodland homes?!

Your task, Yorkton, is to create a woodlands creature home. Work solo, with your family, your friends, your colleges or your small group. Here are your steps:

1. Come take a walk in the Ravine and imagine where a good location may be for your creation.

2. Try using as much "found in nature" objects as possible to build a woodlands creature home.

3. Construct your home, adding any special features you'd like. Add your name(s) or leave it unanimous - it's up to you!

4. Set your "home" up anywhere along the 2.6 km trail at the Yorkton Ravine Ecological Preserve (see the link for the map)

5. Invite your friends and neighbours to go for a walk and find your Woodland Wonder along the way!

6. Take home your creation at the end of the Culture Days (October 24)

If you would like to work together and be inspired, I will be holding a workshop on Sunday, September 26 at 2:00 in the Ravine Room at the Gallagher Centre. Sign up on the Facebook Event Page below as space is limited.

Special thanks to Belén Reed for the photo of her woodlands art creation!


Bara' Academy of the Arts

Twila Napoleoni is owner of Bara' Academy of the Arts in Yorkton, SK. Twila has had the pleasure of working with individuals both young and old, in many parts of the world, reminding them of their innate desire and ability to create. Her passion is teaching individuals to RE:IMAGINE what they can create!


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

Culture Days Yorkton 2021

Angelina Kardynal Yorkton, SK

Culture Days Yorkton is a celebration of art and culture in our community. An exciting selection of art and culture events and activities will take place indoors, outdoors and online for 4 weeks starting September 24th through October 24th.