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Fermentation 101 with Keirsten Eva of Culture Mother

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Agriculture Culinaire
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Chinook Gravelbourg Library (Centre Culturel Maillard)

133 5th Ave E

Gravelbourg, SK



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et est une performance détendue.

À propos

Fermented foods are a traditional s staple in diets worldwide. Beyond their nutritional and health benefits, these foods have immense cultural value.

Workshop participants will learn the basics of fermentation and the requirements for successful cultivation (time commitment, materials, instructions, etc.).

Keirsten Eva started her fermentation journey in 2011 when she was given her first culture--a kombucha SCOBY. She soon discovered the benefits of probiotics and became a local expert in all things fermentation by learning how to make kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, yogurts, kefirs, and sourdough bread. Visit to learn more about Keirsten and the wonderful world of fermented foods!



Chinook Gravelbourg Library

Chinook Regional Libraries will be essential centers in our communities and accessible resources for people, creating opportunities to participate, connect, discover, and learn by:

♦ Responding to the needs of our communities

♦ Offering space for people and ideas to come together

♦ Providing materials that educate, entertain, and inspire

♦ Remaining current and adapting to the needs of our changing society

♦ Providing a commitment to sustainable funding of our programs and services

Our Values

INNOVATIVE…original and creative in our thinking

ADAPTABLE…responsive to changing community needs

INCLUSIVE…welcoming to everyone

PATRON FOCUSED…enthusiastic, energetic and committed to our patrons and their needs

EFFECTIVE…committed to our libraries being safe and caring community centers offering a full range of library services

COMMUNITY FOCUSED…building partnerships within the community

Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

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