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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Pottery Wheel and Ornament Painting

En personne

Artisanat Poterie et éramique Arts visuels
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Date and time


Café au Clay Pottery Studio

West 3rd Avenue

Vancouver, BC



Offered in English et Spanish.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

Come by and try out two different types of ceramic arts. Try your hand at the pottery wheel. Experience "throwing a pot" on the wheel with the guidance of our instructors. Join us to use various techniques to decorate an ornament using oxide washes and underglaze. This event is best suited to adults 18+. Ornaments will be fired and available for pick up two weeks after the event. (Items made on the pottery wheel will be recycled and not available for taking home.)



Café au Clay Pottery Studio

Café au Clay aims to share the joy and camaraderie of creating pottery whether beginner or pro, in a peaceful, happy, productive studio space.