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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

@BramptonLibrary Create Your Very Own Rap Beat!


Arts numérique at nouveau média Musique Auto-guidée Jeunes et ados
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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Virtual Celebrations at Brampton Library!

Brampton, ON

Directions: Brampton Library has eight locations. Due to COVID-19 health restrictions, we are unable to host the activities at our branches. However, we invite you to join us at our virtual platform to enjoy Culture Days online presentations from our talented community.



Offered in English.

Virtual Activity

À propos

Create your very own rap beat with industry standard music software! The tutorial includes a free drum kit with all of the drum and loop sounds that you'll need to start your music production journey. You will begin by creating the basic trap beat and learning how to spice it up to create songs like the ones you hear on the radio!



Miwako Chang

Hi, my name is Miwako Chang and I am a DJ and Producer from the not-so-small city of Toronto. I've worn many hats, doing things like managing albums, launching marketing campaigns, and creating content. In everything that I do, I always put in 110% and challenge the status quo.

I've always loved music, but I realized that I wanted to pursue it full-time during one of the first events that I DJ'd. It created an energy in the room like no other. I love making good music that expands the possibilities within the industry and within ourselves.

Feel free to browse my social media platforms and don't be shy, reach out and say hi! I love meeting new people :)


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:


Brampton Library Brampton, ON

Brampton Library is thrilled to host its Culture Days Hub again in 2021. As longtime supporters of this wonderful initiative, we believe strongly in our role in building the creative economy, locally, provincially, and nationally. Our eig...