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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Community Building Stop-Motion Fun!

En personne

Arts numérique at nouveau média Film et vidéo Enfants Spectacle Photographie
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Date and time


Richmond Library and Cultural Centre


Richmond, BC



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

On Sunday, September 26th, models from the Steveston Salmon Festival Digital Parade will be available to view, and personnel from Barigord Studios will be on hand to answer questions and talk film, animation, and Lego! We have a few minifigs left to give away, and you can use our tiny green screen!

Sanitization and hygiene will be paramount. Minimal contact and social distancing strategies will be employed.

This is a safe and inclusive event for families.

On Saturday, September 25th, Barigord Studios filmed part of Stop Motion short film, with the help of Culture Days attendees!

Visitors were able to build their own mini-figure, then took them to a mini green screen and recorded some moves for the film!

The film will be available in early October! Stay tuned!



Barigord Studios

We are an artistic collective that focuses on filmmaking. We make short films, advertisements, comedy pieces, and stop-motion animation.

Our artists are also musicians, visual and digital artists, designers, writers and gamers.

Our mandate is artist sustainability. We want to make careers for ourselves so we can live securely and have families. We also want to give our talents to our community, and anyone else who wants to tune in.
