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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Rust- Dance class for 60+

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Date and time


Raino Dance

Victoria, BC

Directions: Above studio 4.



Offered in English.

A des toillettes neutres.

À propos

Rust is a contemporary dance class designed for dancers and movers over the age of 60+. This low impact class focuses on body awareness, healthy body patterns and the use of one’s body in storytelling. Taking place at Raino Dance, this class includes a warm up, cross floor and a combo. Led by Lynda Raino and Dyana Sonik-Henderson this class helps bridge the generations while making dance accessible to anyone who wants to dance or continue to dance in a supportive and safe environment.



Dyana Sonik-Henderson

I am one of the Culture Days ambassadors for B.C Living on Vancouver island. My speciality is dance with a focus to make it accessible and building the community on the island.


Dyana Sonik-Henderson