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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Start With Hello

Artisanat Enfants Peinture Jeunes et ados
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Date and time


King West Village:The Arts District

Brockville, ON



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.

À propos

We will be spreading word of our campaign and inviting the public to join us in painting our "Start with Hello" Rocks.

“Start with Hello” Rocks! are painted rocks with messages of welcome, kindness and love. “Hello” Rocks placed throughout the community or shared with others are a great way of spreading love and making others feel welcome. They are simple, small actions that can make a huge difference for others. They remind us that people want to be noticed, acknowledged and valued – same as us! We hope making and sharing these “Hello” Rocks will prompt you and give you the confidence you may need to “Start with Hello” and positive relationships.WHY?To make a difference in the lives of children in youth, by helping them feel accepted, included and valued. The “Start with Hello” campaign has been modified and expanded to address a specific need in Leeds and Grenville. Youth told us in local surveys that they want to be greeted, have conversations with adults, and be involved in their community. WHO?This activity is intended for:yBusinesses yOrganizations and officesySocial groupsyIndividuals... and that means YOU!!HOW?Find a rock on the ground or go to a local garden centre and purchase garden rocks. Grab a marker, paint, and other items to decorate. Get creative! Write an inspiring quote or write “hello” in a way that’s meaningful to you (e.g. “Hey”, “Bonjour”). Consider putting a clear varnish on your rocks to help them last longer (clear nail polish works, too!). Place your rocks where someone can find them and spread the kindness!



Every Kid In Our Community

Origin of the “Start with Hello” Campaign

The “Start with Hello” Campaign was developed by the Sandy Hook Promise (SHP), a national, non-profit organization in Connecticut. The SHP is led by family members whose loved ones were killed in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 that claimed the lives of 20 first graders and 6 educators. SHP is focused on preventing gun violence (and other forms of violence and victimization) by addressing social isolation. The intent of their peer-to-peer “Start with Hello” campaign is to empower young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school or youth organization. For more information, visit .

“Start with Hello” in Leeds & Grenville

The EveryKid Coalition has adapted the “Start with Hello” campaign to suit the communities of Leeds, Grenville. Local school surveys highlight that lower numbers of students feel that their community values them and that they have caring adult relationships outside of their families. Youth also told us that they want to be greeted, have conversations with adults, and be involved in their community. (Youth Let’s Talk Survey, 2018).


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