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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

  • Video-Book Written, Illustrated, Animated, and Narrated by Anjula Evans, M.T.S.C. Feelings & CBT Activities also by Anjula Evans.

@BramptonLibrary: "Kids & COVID Questions" with Feelings & CBT Activities


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This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Virtual celebrations at Brampton Library!

Brampton, ON

Directions: Brampton Library has eight locations. Due to COVID 19 health restrictions, we are unable to host the activities at our branches. However, we invite you to join us at our virtual platform to enjoy Culture Days online presentations from our talented community.



Offered in English.

Virtual Activity. The video-book has audio, subtitles, and text

À propos

Video-Book Description:

The coronavirus has spread through the community surrounding Central, and the school makes some changes while the kids learn about COVID. Then Hailey and the other students are sent home. What will they do?

Make a "Pandemic Plan" with Hailey, a "Daily Schedule" with Aidan, do a "Thought Hunt", and start a "Feelings Journal". Also, find out what the other kids are up to while they are at home!

This video includes activities to assist with emotional growth. Permission has been given by the author for accompanying worksheets to be downloaded and photocopied for free for educational purposes.

The free PDF eBook & worksheets can be download from



Anjula Evans

If you’re looking for children’s books and resources that address mental health, Anjula has a background as a Children’s Therapist with a Masters Degree, and brings that experience to her writing. The underlying message in her writing is: “It’s possible to face our challenges and overcome them.”

Anjula started writing/illustrating “The Super-Hero Survival Guide” for reluctant young readers several years ago, while recovering from an accident that resulted in a brain injury. During her rehabilitation, she began developing educational resources that would meet children’s needs on an emotional level. At the same time, she began doing workshops on her educational resources.

Anjula has over a dozen illustrated books on Amazon and in some bookstores (Chapters/Indigo, Barnes & Noble). Her first novel for young adults, “Antares Trap”, is a sci-fi novel that introduces ethical issues. It shows that we always have choices, no matter what the circumstances are. Her second novel, COVID ICU, is a romance/mystery novel for adults. She will be releasing a third novel this fall, a shape-shifter romance for adults.


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:


Brampton Library Brampton, ON

Brampton Library is thrilled to host its Culture Days Hub again in 2021. As longtime supporters of this wonderful initiative, we believe strongly in our role in building the creative economy, locally, provincially, and nationally. Our eig...