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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Outdoor Temporary Sculpture Building at Maple Ridge Park

En personne

Artisanat Nature et plein air Spectacle Activité physique et mouvement Arts visuels
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Date and time


Maple Ridge Park

11579 225 Street, Maple Ridge, BC

Maple Ridge, BC

Directions: We'll meet in the covered picnic table area. Register at [email protected].



Offered in English.

À propos

Get outside and get creative with leaves, sticks, flowers, and other natural materials in a local park. Activities will include the creation of tree ladders, weaving in chain-link fences, and arrangement of gathered objects such as rocks, flowers, and leaves. The methods learned in these sessions will generate new ways of appreciating and interacting with our environment.



Port Haney House Artists-in-Residence

Join the Port Haney Artists-in-Residence Aaron Moran and Taryn Hubbard for a free series of fun and interactive workshops about home and the environment in celebration of Culture Days in Maple Ridge.

The workshops are open to participants of all ages and abilities, and do not require any materials or equipment to join. Families are welcome.


Aaron & Taryn, Port Haney AiRs