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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

@BramptonLibrary Talk with Nitya Suresh (To Life Itself)


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This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Virtual celebrations at Brampton Library!

Brampton, ON

Directions: Brampton Library has eight locations. Due to COVID 19 health restrictions, we are unable to host the activities at our branches. However, we invite you to join us at our virtual platform to enjoy Culture Days online presentations from our talented community.



Offered in English.

Virtual Activity

À propos

Nitya Suresh wrote the book "To Life Itself" to inform her community about the difficulties youth face with mental health illnesses. The following video is about herself and why she wrote the book as well as what she has learned and hopes people can learn from it. She also discusses mental health and writing as a person of colour. With the negative effects on mental health from the pandemic, she hopes that some lessons from this video might help those who are affected and people close to them.



Nitya Suresh

Nitya Suresh is currently a senior year high school student who wrote and published "To Life Itself" in her first year. She wrote the book to inform her community about mental health illnesses in youth and some untrue stigma surrounding it. The novella was also written from the perspective of several characters of colour (and based on real experiences) to show what having these illnesses is like in some communities. She hopes that this book will help change society to become more supportive and caring towards those with mental health illnesses.


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:


Brampton Library Brampton, ON

Brampton Library is thrilled to host its Culture Days Hub again in 2021. As longtime supporters of this wonderful initiative, we believe strongly in our role in building the creative economy, locally, provincially, and nationally. Our eig...