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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Opening of Wood's Homes Sweat Lodge

Culinaire Histoire et patrimoine Autochtone Contes
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Date and time


Calgary, AB



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

Wood's Homes (a children's mental health centre) is proud to host an Indigenous event on Sept. 29 at its historic Bowness campus. This is a day of celebration, in support of the work we do with this population. The day will include a Sweat, Cultural Teachings, Ceremony and Feast.



Wood's Homes

Wood's Homes is a children's mental health centre that provides treatment and support to children, youth and families. We are nationally recognized for our innovative and groundbreaking programs and recently received Exemplary Standing for the third time from Accreditation Canada.

We are proud of our history in working with many diverse populations. Approximately 10-15% of our clients are Indigenous, and they continue to guide our work. Based in Calgary, Wood's Homes provides 40+ programs in Lethbridge, Strathmore and Fort McMurray.

We Never Say No. We Never Give Up. We Never Turn Anyone Away.
