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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Teaching and Fostering a Hand Drumming Practice


Musique Spectacle Activité physique et mouvement Jeunes et ados Enfants
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Richmond Music School

Richmond, BC



Offered in English.

À propos

In this 30 minute workshop, Dr Aaron Graham will discuss how to teach hand drumming to beginners. The workshop will begin with simple techniques which may be learned and demonstrated by anyone (regardless of musical background). These techniques may be performed on actual hand drums such as a djembe or conga, or typical household items such as laundry hampers or cardboard boxes (for those who are non-musicians). Dr Graham will then explore how those techniques may be applied to creating simple grooves in small and large group settings, as well as allow participants to begin soloing overtop of these grooves. This is an activity which not only incorporates physical action in creating fun and interesting rhythms but also demonstrates knowledge that may be useful to a wide array of people beyond just music educators, as it is an ideal method of bringing a community together in an exciting and engaging experience.



Richmond Music School

The Richmond Music School (RMS) is the largest and oldest non-profit music school in Richmond. Since it was established over 41 years ago, the school has been a committed contributor to the cultural life of Richmond.

Richmond Music School aspires to provide excellence in music qualifications as a national and international hub. RMS provides the highest quality music education, meeting the needs of all ages through private and group lessons in both practical and theoretical domains enriching the lives of students, teachers, the community, and society.

RMS is the exclusive representative of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) examination board in Canada.