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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Ol’-fashioned Fun at the Pembina Threshermen's Museum!

Musée Agriculture Histoire et patrimoine Jeunes et ados
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Pembina Threshermen's Museum

Winkler, MB

Directions: Located on Hwy #3 just west of the hospital lights between Winkler & Morden, MB, Canada.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

With acres of ol'-fashioned fun, there's something for everyone and tons of great reasons to visit at this exciting outdoor pioneer heritage museum! Heritage buildings full of antiques, a 1200 sq ft 'Wildlife Exhibit' of animals from around the world, family adventure games (e.g. "Brimberly History Mystery", Antique Treasure Hunt, Scavenger Hunt, The Driedger Game, etc.) plus vast collections of farm implements, an Activity Center for the young'uns, a 4,000 sq ft life-sized indoor 1920 - 1950s village 'street' of shops and artifacts, a 1-acre corn maze (July – Oct) AND a full line up of exciting pioneer events ... all make the Pembina Threshermen's Museum (PTM) one place you won't want to miss!



Pembina Threshermens Museum

We've celebrated over 50 years of "keeping our heritage alive"! Whether you've never been or you've been to visit recently, there's just SO much to see and do that you'll want to make visiting the PTM a "must" on your 'To Do' list this year! We invite you to join us as we continue to celebrate 50+ years of local history at the Pembina Threshermen's Museum (PTM)!


Kimberly Striemer

(204) 325-7497