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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

  • Large silver eels swimming with young adult yellow eels
    Beth Shepherd, Flow: Recruitment and Escapement (partial), Mixed media collagraph print
  • Eels swimming in red water
    Beth Shepherd, Making the Redlist, Drypoint
  • Yellow eels swimming in the fresh cool water in the Ottawa watershed
    Beth Shepherd, Yellow Eels, Monotype

Flow: Musings on the loss of the American Eel in the Ottawa River


Film et vidéo Nature et plein air Gravure Arts visuels Science et technologie
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Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Carleton University, MacOdrum Library, 2nd Floor, Book Arts Lab

Ottawa, ON



Offered in English.

Offre un sous-titrage.

À propos

Flow: Musings on the loss of the American Eel in the Ottawa River is a video produced by Beth Shepherd, in which she describes the various steps in the production of Flow: Recruitment and Escapement, a large scroll hanging approximately 2 X 1 metres intertwined with musings on the extirpation of American eel from the Ottawa River Watershed. To render the existential fragility of this species, she employs the ephemeral qualities of Japanese mulberry paper printed using a large carborundum collagraph plate using Akua inks.

The online event offers participants a behind-the-scene view of the printmaker's process as she considers the migratory struggles of non-human and humans in the 21st century.



Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective

The Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective (OGPC)is an artist collective founded in 2012 to foster and promote the knowledge and appreciation of hand-pulled prints and printmaking among its members and the public. The 40+ members include recreational, emerging, and established artists, among them several art teachers. The OGPC has its home base at the City of Ottawa’s Nepean Creative Arts Centre in Bell’s Corners, where it maintains a gallery space and small printing studio.


Cet événement fait partie d'un carrefour créatif:

Le Collectif d’artistes Graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau présente le projet ‘Migration en estampes’

Le collectif d’artistes-graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau Ottawa, ON

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