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Culture Days will return 20 septembre – 13 octobre 2024.

Hart Cam Museum night of worship

Histoire et patrimoine Musique Les chant
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Date and time


Hartney Cameron Museum

Hartney, MB

Directions: on the corner of Poplar and East Railway St.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible et a des toillettes neutres.

À propos

The Hart Cam Museum houses many artifacts on loan from the Anglican Diocese of Brandon. On Sept 29th at 7 p.m. we are planning on hosting a reunion for former parishioners of St. Andrews Anglican Church in Hartney. The reunion will include a church service and a lunch and visiting afterwards. Former parishioners will be sent an invitation to attend and the artifacts from St. Andrews Anglican Church will be on display



Hartney Cameron Museum Committee

Our mandate is to perserve the artifacts which are placed in our care to perpetuity. We host various events throughout the year to encourage visitors to our museum.


Dawne McKenzie