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SaskCulture's Culture Days Hub Sponsorships

Hey Saskatchewan! DOES YOUR COMMUNITY…

  • Enjoy participating in Culture Days each year?
  • Have a creative and collaborative spirit?
  • Want to advance Truth and Reconciliation?
  • Have a number of different artists or cultural groups that want to work together?
  • Want to build interest in cultural activity?
  • Want to work with a neighbouring community to offer safe and engaging arts and cultural experiences?

Check out SaskCulture’s Culture Days Hub Sponsorship!

  • Sponsorships of up to $5,000 for Culture Days in Saskatchewan Hubs are available (organized by two or more community partners)
  • Applications with activities and programming that advance Truth and Reconciliation as part of September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, will be prioritized.
  • Sponsorship amounts are determined by community size, strength of community partnerships & quality/extent of programs/activities offered.*
  • Applications are evaluated for their ability to offer virtual or safe, small in-person cultural experiences that adhere to public health restrictions at the time of scheduled activities.

Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis until the sponsorship budget is expended – whichever comes first.

For more information, including how to submit an online application, contact:
Busayo Osobade, Communications Consultant
[email protected]

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*Due to the limited amount of funding, sponsorships may not cover all expected expenses.