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Funding Opportunities


Whether you’re planning for Culture Days events or other arts, culture, and heritage programs, here is a list of funding opportunities with upcoming or rolling deadlines from across the country to be aware of.

We share timely and local opportunities more frequently on our Twitter and Instagram feeds. Be sure to give us a follow to stay up to date.

If your local community has upcoming funding deadlines that are relevant to Culture Days celebrations, please send us an email to add your link to this list at [email protected]


FACTOR, Collective Initiatives | Deadline: May 1st, 2024 - new applicants must submit a Letter of Intent 6 months prior to start date.

Government of Canada, Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives | Deadline: 18 weeks prior to event date.

Canada Council for the Arts, Concept to Realization | Deadline: Any time before the start date of your project or the part of your project for which you are seeking funding.

Canada Council for the Arts, Strategic Innovation Fund: Seed Grants | Deadline: Any time before the start of your project.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Na-mi-quai-ni-mak Community Support Fund - NCTR | Deadline: Rolling deadline.

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Canada-wide funding updates and opportunities: CAPACOA, Ministry of Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts.

British Columbia

Government of British Columbia, Community Gaming Grants | Deadline: Annually between February 1st and April 30th

Explore the Funding Opportunities in BC page to find more community-specific grants and other funding opportunities for artists and organizations.

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more BC funding updates and opportunities:

BC Alliance for Arts + Culture, Creative BC, Arts BC, BC Arts Council, Grant Calendar | Littledog, First Peoples’ Cultural Council, ArtStarts.


Edmonton Arts Council, Equity and Access in the Arts | Deadline: June 17, 2024

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Alberta funding updates and opportunities: Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Government of Alberta, Edmonton Arts Council, Calgary Arts Development.


SKArts, Micro Grant Program | Deadline: Every first day of the month.

SKArts, Building Arts Equity: BPOC | Deadline: July 1st, 2024

SaskCulture, Aboriginal Arts and Culture Leadership Grant | Deadline: Spring 2024

SaskCulture, Northern Youth Cultural Fund | Deadline: Spring 2024

SaskCulture, Multicultural Initiatives Fund | Deadline: Spring 2024

SaskCulture, Métis Cultural Development Fund | Deadline: Spring 2024

SKArts, Share and Connect: Indigenous Community Arts | June 7th, 2024

SaskCulture, Culture Days Hub Sponsorship | Deadline: TBD 2024

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Saskatchewan funding updates and opportunities:

SaskCulture - Find a Grant Tool, SKArts, Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts, Creative Saskatchewan, Guidelines & Resources - Community Initiatives Fund


Manitoba Arts Council, Artists in Communities | Deadline: January 30th, 2024; May 15th, 2024; September 15th, 2024

Manitoba Arts Council, Indigenous 360 | Deadline: April 25th, 2024

Government of Manitoba, Community Festivals and Events | Deadline: April 31st, 2024

Manitoba Arts Council, Community Impact | Deadline: May 1st, 2024

Manitoba Arts Council, Artists in Schools | Deadline: June 5th, 2024

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Manitoba funding updates and opportunities: Creative Manitoba, Winnipeg Arts Council, Manitoba Arts Council.


Ontario Arts Council, Theatre Projects | Deadline: February 7th, 2024; August 1st, 2024

Ontario Arts Council, Artists in Communities and Schools Projects | Deadline: April 24th, 2024

Ontario Arts Council, Northern Arts Projects | Deadline: April 30th, 2024

City of St.Catharines, Cultural Investment Program - Arts Development, Culture Builds Community and Culture Days Activity Programs (St. Catharines) | Deadline: May 2nd, 2024

Ontario Arts Council, Deaf and Disability Arts Projects | Deadline: October 10th, 2024

Government of Ontario, Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund | Deadline: First-time applicants should contact OCAF staff, at least 9 months prior to event start.

Toronto Arts Council, Visual Artists Program: Creation | Deadline: Rolling deadline.

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Ontario funding updates and opportunities: Ontario Presents, ArtReach, Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Creates, SPARC Network, ONCD Organizer Network Facebook Group, Toronto Arts Council.

Atlantic Provinces

Arts Nova Scotia, Grants to Individuals | Deadline: May 15th, 2024

Government of New Brunswick, Arts in Communities Program | Deadline: May 15th, 2024

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Indigenous Cultural Heritage Program | Deadline: May 20th, 2024

ArtsNL, ArtSmarts | Deadline: May 31st, 2024

Government of Nova Scotia, Culture Innovation Fund | Deadline: Rolling deadline.

Music PEI, Microgrant Program | Deadline: Rolling deadline.

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Atlantic funding updates and opportunities: Atlantic Canada Business Grants, Creative PEI, PEI Arts Grants, ArtsNL, ArtsNB, Arts Nova Scotia.

Northern Territories

Government of Yukon, Indigenous Artists and Cultural Carriers Micro-grant | Deadline: Rolling deadline.

Government of Yukon, The New Canadians Event Fund | Deadline: At least 6 weeks before the event.

📌 Bookmark these organizations for more Northern funding updates and opportunities: Northwest Territories Arts, Qaggiavuut for Nunavut Performing Artists, Yukon Arts and Culture.


For those in Québec, we invite you to visit our affiliated organization, Culture pour tous, for information and resources.