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Arts, Culture and the Pandemic TEST

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the arts and culture sector across the country and has had a significant impact on Culture Days since 2020. To understand this impact in greater depth, we used our annual survey campaign to ask Culture Days attendees — as well as the general public in Canada — how much and in what ways the pandemic has affected their participation in arts and culture.

The data presented on this page are national surveys conducted in October 2020, 2021 and 2022.

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For more statistics on labour trends in the arts and culture sector, Hills Strategies report Artists in the Pandemic: Recent and Long-Term Labour Force Trends


While participation has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, access to arts and culture indoors, outdoors, and online has also provided much-needed support for many. Results from our survey indicate that arts and culture has had a positive impact on both physical and mental well-being and that people in Canada are using arts and culture to explore, process, connect, and communicate during these uncertain times.

More on the impacts of the pandemic of the arts and culture sector: The Metcalf Foundation’s report Art and the World After This


A large portion of arts and culture events moved online in 2020 and 2021, where they were accessed virtually as restrictions were placed on in-person gatherings. This was a big change, but one that was well received by a majority of Culture Days attendees. Digital programs played a pivotal role in the Culture Days celebrations, allowing for fun and safe arts and culture engagement, while also opening up activities to larger audiences from across the country.