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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

  • Piitwewetam: Making is Medicine 2021 Installation image Shannon Gustafson, Ryan Gustafson, Jade Gustafson, Justine Gustafson Curated by Leanna and Jean Marshall Image by Meaghan Eley
  • Natural inks from bush and garden, 2021. Image courtesy Betty Carpick.
  • Hedgehog craft by Ashley and Alyson, Thunder Bay Art Gallery Summer Camp Instructors 2021. Photographer: Tuija Hansen
  • Scene from Cradle Moon audio story in The Comfort Project Community Room Exhibition, 2021. Image courtesy Eleanor Albanese.

Re-connect to nature, art, and your community with the Thunder Bay Art Gallery

Event Hub

Indigenous Nature & outdoors Physical activity & movement Sculpture & installation Visual arts Interdisciplinary History & heritage Drawing Kids Craft Storytelling Writing & literature
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Thunder Bay Art Gallery

1080 Keewatin Street

Thunder Bay, ON

Visit the Thunder Bay Art Gallery to take part in interactive activities during Culture Days 2021. Between September 24th and October 24th come to the Gallery to participate and create. We welcome everyone who wishes to participate in these physical distancing-friendly activities.

Attend the gallery's current exhibitions: Piitwewetam: Making Is Medicine, Kwewog Giiwednog: Women of the North, Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the Silence, and The Comfort Project with free admission.

Peruse the outdoor art exhibitions and take in the breathtaking fall colours on-site using the AG’s Art & Nature River Walk map to discover natural materials that have been used to make works in our Permanent Collection!

Attend a book reading and signing with local author Eleanor Albanese, whose award-winning novel: If Tenderness Be Gold, set in rural Northern Ontario and drawing on themes of family and comfort, relates to the Comfort Project Community Room Exhibition. The themes of comfort and the ritual of gathering herbs for tea-making are found in both the Comfort Project and If Tenderness Be Gold. The women bring each other comfort through tea and conversation. They also seek comfort in the natural world, whether it be walking in the forest, practicing folk traditions, or moon-gazing.

Attend "Natural Inks from Bush and Garden" ink-making workshop for teens and adults with Betty Carpick Thursday, October 21st. Through additives and different marking implements, we’ll discover how the natural inks - when used abstractly - offer another language for interaction and telling stories.

For children aged 5 and up learn how to create a fall-themed hedgehog craft using DIY tools with our Education Coordinators on our YouTube Channel.

During Culture Days 2021 the AG is happy to present free or pay what you may admission to all! See yourself at the AG.



Thunder Bay Art Gallery

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