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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Lumen Lite - Polychromatic by Andrew O'Connor (with sonic accompaniment by Aaron Hutchinson)


Interdisciplinary Music Performance Visual arts
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Date and time


Waterloo Visitor and Heritage Information Centre

10 Father David Bauer Drive

Waterloo, ON

Directions: Social distancing and masking is required to participate in all Lumen Lite activities and installations.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.


Artist Statement:

Polychromatic is a non-narrative, audiovisual projection created by Andrew O’Connor. Set in a vibrant, abstract landscape, elements continually shift, disintegrate and coalesce in a simulation bound by ethereal constraints. As viewers approach the surface, silhouettes of their bodies are captured in real-time and inserted into the canvas. As an actor, the audience are able to wield some control with their physical movement influencing both the impressionistic video feedback and sonic elements of the soundscape. Throughout the evening, the soundscape will shift between different suites performed live by improvisational musician Aaron Hutchinson.



City of Waterloo - Create Waterloo

Lumen is an annual, free, all-ages festival that is open to the public and run by the City of Waterloo’s Arts and Culture team (Create Waterloo). The event features the work of artists as they explore the interplay of light, art, and technology in installations located throughout uptown Waterloo.


This event is part of a hub:

Lumen Lite

City of Waterloo Waterloo, ON

Lumen Lite is a scaled down version of our annual festival, Lumen. Lumen brings together art and tech through captivating interdisciplinary art installations. Installations should feature the work of artists while also testing the limits or...