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You are viewing an archived event from a previous year.

Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

The Pas Arts Council Culture Days Scavenger Hunt


Digital & new media Games Kids Physical activity & movement Self-guided
Email Save QR code

Date and time

This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


The Pas Regional Library

53 Edwards Avenue

The Pas, MB



Offered in English.


Pick up you scavenger hunt clue sheet at The Pas Regional Library any time during Culture Days. Send us your slide show or photos of your items. Cash prizes!


The Pas Arts Council

The Pas Arts Council exists to promote arts and culture in The Pas through exposure, education and participation. Arts and cultural groups are members of The Pas Arts Council and conduct programming specific to their mandates. One of the roles of the arts council is to provide support to the member groups including advertising, financial grants and with applying for larger grants. In addition, the arts council provides programming that is not provided by member groups as resources are available.


Cheryl Antonio

This event is part of a hub:

The Pas Arts Council's Culture Days Hub

The Pas Arts Council The Pas, MB

Pick up all your Culture Days calendars and posters at The Pas Regional Library from the front desk during regular library hours