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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

World Mental Health day


Writing & literature
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Studio M

1672 Eglinton Avenue West

Toronto, ON

Directions: Eglinton Avenue West and Glenholme Avenue.



Offered in English.


The Canadian Reggae Music Association presents World Mental Health Day on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Studio M, 1672 Eglinton Avenue West. The event consists of wellness workshops, and the launching of the book, Everybody's Guide to Mental Wellness by Negus Lamont.



Canadian Reggae Music Association

The Canadian Reggae Music Association is a non-profit organization based in Toronto

but was incorporated in Canada in May 2020. The CRMA consists of a group of music

businesses, festival promoters, reggae producers, professional/emerging artists, and

musicians with over 40 years of experience working in the reggae music community in

Canada. The CRMA’s membership consists of professional artists, musicians, and

business owners from Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal,

Toronto, Niagara Falls, and Halifax. The Canadian Reggae Music Association’s mandate is to educate and inform

professional musicians and artists about the business of the music thus enabling them

to earn an income from their music while contributing to the music industry in Canada.


The objectives of the Canadian Reggae Music Association are as follows:

To produce an annual reggae music conference featuring artists and musicians from the reggae community in Canada.

To organize and implement reggae boot camps and artist development workshops for emerging artists in Canada.

To set up skill training workshops to equip artists with marketable skills in the areas of music, songwriting, audio video production, and grant writing.

To produce resource materials such as the Reggae Page directory and digital magazine featuring reggae artists from various Canadian cities.

To produce an internet media house in the areas of television, radio broadcasting, newspaper, and magazine.

To create job opportunities for professional and emerging artists in the Canadian, African, and Caribbean communities. To organize and develop cultural, educational, and social programs using multi-media as tools to sensitize society to the serious social problems afflicting artists in the community.


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