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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Lace-Making Demonstrations at Perth Museum

Craft Design Fashion & costumes Fibre & textile arts
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Date and time


Perth Museum

Perth, ON

Directions: Enter through the courtyard between Shaw's and Perth Museum.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms.


Have you ever watched someone make lace and wondered how they keep track of all the pins and bobbins? Watch Dorothy Forrester demonstrate making bobbin lace, try simple techniques yourself, and even see some heritage lace on exhibition!



Perth Museum

Leave the 21st century behind as you enter the world of the 1840s at the elegant Matheson House, home of the award-winning Perth Museum. This popular tourist attraction, located downtown at 11 Gore Street East, is a National Historic Site.


Kathryn Jamieson